Reisterstown Summer Playground
It is with much regret that we are unable to run Summer Playground for 2023. Unfortunately, we were unable to find a location to host the program this year. Please keep us in mind for next summer, we hope to find a location ASAP and reserve it as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Welcome back to RSP! Summer 2021
Our six-week program is back for summer 2021! This year we will be at Franklin Elementary School. Our staff is energized to be back this summer and we can't wait to have some much-needed fun this summer with your kids! We welcome kids ages 5-13 to join us for up to 6 weeks of our program that runs Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm. Feel free to email the program director, Alyssa Eller, at reist.summerplayground@gmail. com with any questions or concerns.
In order to ensure we are not over our capacity of 60 campers as restricted by our indoor space provided by Franklin Elementary, registration and payment must be completed online prior to dropping off your child(ren). Campers and families are not permitted to be on site unless they are registered and paid. We strongly recommend registering early as we have limited capacity according to our indoor space. There will be no refunds, so please do not register if you are not certain that your child will attend that week.
Reisterstown Summer Playground will be held at Franklin Elementary this year, located at 33 Cockeys Mill Road Reisterstown, MD 21136. Prior to the start of the week(s) you have registered for, we will provide a copy of the schedule and other reminders via email.
Please note:
(1) In order to keep your child(ren) safe, we will operate outside as often as possible, but we may be inside due to heat or rain. In order to have enough space for social distancing, we will only be able to accommodate 60 campers. More information about our COVID-19 Response can be found below.
(2) Camp hours are 9am-4:45pm. You may add before and after care for $40 for an extended drop off time of 8-9am and pick up by 5:30pm. More information about our late pick-up policy can be found below.
(3) There will be no field trips as of right now. This is subject to change based on county restrictions currently in place for traveling off-site. We have other special events, performers, etc. planned in place of field trips.
A schedule of activities will be provided each week. A variety of age-appropriate indoor and outdoor activities will be scheduled every day including arts & crafts, quiet & active games and sports. Each child is encouraged but not required to participate in every activity. Activities will be adjusted for weather extremes (heat/rain) but the program will not close. Every child should bring lunch and a drink. A water bottle labeled with your child(ren)'s name(s) are strongly encouraged. There is no refrigeration available for lunches. Sodas, water, snacks and candy will be available for sale during/after lunch.
I understand this program is designed to provide a healthy and enjoyable leisure experience for my child(ren). I also understand that this program is not designed to provide child care. Therefore, I understand it is my responsibility to discuss attendance expectations with my child(ren) and with their campsite leader. Recreation staff takes morning and afternoon campsite attendance, and there is a sign-in and sign-out clipboard that is updated throughout the day. However, recreation staff cannot detain youth wishing to leave at any time. It is for this reason that we cannot impose participant sign-in or sign-out without a parent or guardian present.
I understand that the playground program operates Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM. NO CHILD IS TO BE DROPPED OFF AT SITE BEFORE 9:00 AM unless enrolled in the extended care program. The parent of any child left at the site after 5:00 PM will be subject to the fees and sanctions explained below in the LATE PICK-UP POLICY. Our extended care program can be added for an additional $40/week. You may add this option as late as the Monday of the week you wish you add the extended care. Before care is 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM and after care is 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM. The parent of any child left at the site after 5:30 PM will be subject to the fees and sanctions explained below in the LATE PICK-UP POLICY.
I understand the playground program begins on Monday, June 28, 2021 and ends on Friday, August 6, 2021. Playground is closed on Monday, 7/5 in observance of July 4th.
I understand the playground site will be closed during the time a field trip is taking place. No one will be at the site the supervise any children that may arrive after the buses leave for the planned trip.
- Organized activities end at 4:45 PM and pick-up time will occur from 4:45-5:00PM.
- If you encounter an emergency, please call the playground office (not the rec office) to let us know.
- Unless aftercare is registered and paid for, at 5:00 PM, a late fee of $10.00 per child* will be assessed. For every minute late after 5:00 PM, an additional $1.00 per child* will be charged. Lateness will be determined according to the clock in the playground office and the program director will have the final word on ALL disputes. The Franklin Police Station will be notified to collect any child left at the site after 5:30 PM. All monies for late pick-up fees are payable in cash before the child(ren) may again be allowed on the site.
- If late pick-up occurs more than once*, the child(ren) will be exited from the program and all fees will be forfeit.
Playground staff does not get paid for hours beyond the operation of the program (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM). They have family obligations and other engagements before and after camp. Waiting for children to be picked up after camp hours impedes them from fulfilling these other obligations. Please help the camp to run smoothly by adhering to the 4:45 PM pick-up time.
* Please note: Should car pooling result in a late pick-up, the parents of all children involved will be subject to late fees and sanctions as listed in the late pick-up policy of this section. Please take this into consideration if you should decide to make such arrangements for your child(ren).
Session 1 | 6/28-7/2 | $145 for week 1 only or $185 with before and after care |
Session 2 | 7/6-7/9 | $116 for week 2 only or $156 with before and after care Closed on 7/5 in observance of Independence Day |
Session 3 | 7/12-7/16 | $145 for week 3 only or $185 with before and after care |
Session 4 | 7/19-7/23 | $145 for week 4 only or $185 with before and after care |
Session 5 | 7/26-7/30 | $145 for week 5 only or $185 with before and after care |
Session 6 | 8/2-8/6 | $145 for week 6 only or $185 with before and after care |
COVID-19 Response and Changes for Summer 2021
The following guidelines are subject to change based on guidance from the Center for Disease Control, the Maryland Department of Health, and Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks. We will notify registrants immediately, should changes in the following policies occur.
- We will follow all current guidelines as provided by the Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks along with CDC Guidelines for Summer Camps. There are additional guidelines specific to summer camps that will be provided by Baltimore County Recreation and Parks; we will share this information with registrants as soon as we receive it.
- All campers should complete an at-home health screening prior to arrival. Please keep your child home if they are not feeling well or presenting and symptoms of COVID-19.
- Temperature checks will be taken and logged daily upon arrival. Campers with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or more will be sent home.
- Mask policy, as directed by Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks (Updated July 1st):
- Masks are not required to be worn by students or staff.
- Unvaccinated persons are encouraged to continue wearing masks.
- BCPS supports the right of all students and staff to choose to wear masks for personal safety
- Families are responsible for proving masks for their child(ren). We recommend packing back-ups. We will have disposable masks available if a camper's mask gets dirty, breaks, etc.
- Campers will keep a distance of 3 ft when possible and 6 ft when unmasked at lunch. Distancing may not be possible if your child is actively participating in an activity. All campers are required to respect distancing guidelines with campers who verbally articulate that they are uncomfortable with close contact.
- Lunch will be eaten in shifts by age group. All campers must wash their hands prior to eating lunch.
- At this time there will be no field trips. Once we have the summer camp guidelines we will do our best to arrange what we can with the time that we have. We will plan special events such as performances, special treats, and hosting other visitors at camp.
- Campsites (where we take attendance twice a day and share daily information) will be organized by age group. Campers will remain with their age group throughout the day when possible. Age groups are typically 5-7, 8-10 and 11-13, but adjustments may be necessary to keep the size of each age group about the same. We will make every effort to maintain age groups, however, indoor space is limited and mixing age groups may be necessary when we are inside due to heat/rain.
- In order to ensure we are not over capacity as restricted by our indoor space provided by the school, registration and payment must be completed online prior to dropping off your child(ren). Campers and families are not permitted to be on site unless they are registered. We strongly recommend registering early as we have a limited capacity according to our indoor space. There will be no refunds, so please do not register if you are not certain that your child will attend that week.
- Campers who do not adhere to the guidelines above will receive the following consequences, advancing to the next consequence each time they disobey the guidelines above:
- Verbal warning
- Phone call home
- Sent home for the day
- One day suspension
- Removal from the program (no refunds)
In the event that a camper tests positive or has been exposed to COVID-19, we will work with the Maryland Department of Health to determine the safest way to proceed. All situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
If you have any questions, please contact our program director, Casey Massicot, at reist.summerplayground@gmail. com .

Site Links
Coaches Corner
Reisterstown Rec Council Newsletters Center
Inclement Weather Policies
Hannah More Pavilion Rental
Troubleshooting Guide
Contact Us
Reisterstown Area Recreation Council
P.O. Box 633
Reisterstown, Maryland 21136